Unreasonable Behaviour - solo exhibition of Siu Wai-Hang, 2021

Since the year before the city has entered a state of absurdity. Major transitions crept into individual experiences and the larger systems as preposterous doings pervaded the city. As suggested by photojournalist Don Mccullin’s eponymous autobiography, the atrocity of war goes beyond the plight and misery of the moment to inflict hearts with eternal disquietness. In face of all that happened, Siu Wai Hang, despite his fluency in responding to society through images he captures, caught himself helpless with his camera in hand. He then rallied and confronted the society in the peculiar manner of his fellow beings, echoing the absurdity in this difficult time.

不合理的行為 – 蕭偉恒個展
此城始於年前進入一荒誕狀態,充斥著各種不合理的行為,從個體經歷感受以至外在系統運作都起了巨變。如唐.麥庫林(Don Mccullin)的同名自傳一樣,戰爭的殘酷不僅是當下生靈塗炭,心理長期處於戰爭狀態使人不得平靜的永土。擅以影像回應社會的蕭偉恒,過去的事情,曾使他對手上的工具感到無力,隨後他如世人一樣以不尋常的舉止回應世界,表現出在此艱澀時刻各種荒誕行為。

Event page

The Works:
Clean Hong Kong Action
Clean Hong Kong Action, Handmade photobook
Cage Bridge




Copyright 2022 © SiuWaiHang